Monday, 25 February 2008

We Lost another J-lander

Rene from the journal, "Meet Me At The Breakfast Table", passed away this morning in the early hours. Please stop by her journal to offer the family your support, during this sorrowful time. I will greatly miss you my dear friend. (Hugs) Indigo


Anonymous said...

I had just started reading her journal about 2 weeks ago. I can't believe it! Thanks for posting this.

Anonymous said...

:o( My condolances.

Anonymous said...

Oh my word.  I am so so sorry to hear this news Indigo.
She will be sadly missed.  She was a lovely person.

Anonymous said...

I've been behind on reading journals and had no idea that she had taken ill suddenly.  I am so very sorry to hear about this!

Anonymous said...

sad news, my thoughts are with all who knew rene. i have stopped by her journal. take care mrs t xx

Anonymous said...

That damn bleeding in the brain -- what ultimately took my father as well.

I regret I'd not known of Rene previously.

I'm so sorry to hear of this.  Thanks, Indigo, for informing us.  -- Robin

Anonymous said...

I only recently started to read her journal.  So sad that she has passed.  Thanks for letting us know Indigo.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Indigo... going over there now.
