Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Happy 95th Birthday to Dad from Dad's Tomato Garden

I would like to make an entry in honor of >>Dad from Dad's Tomato Garden Journal. Today is his 95th Birthday, his name is Ray White.


He made his first journal entry on August 25th 2003. He is America's Oldest blogger . An article featuring him is>>>here.

He is a faithful blogger and makes an entry every day except Sunday which is his daughter Mary and his go to meeting day. He has two children whos names are Mary and Jim. His wife Earlene has passed and been gone for several years. His friend Boyd has made a webpage for him on her with their pictures and contains a beautiful poem was written by Mary, their daughter. Check it out >>>here .

I feel like it is an honor to wish Him a very Happy Birthday and may he have may more happy tomato growing years.

I have been reading his journal for over three years now. If you feel so inclined please go over and wish him a very Happy Birthday. He is such a special person. Helen


Anonymous said...

Good minds think alike Helen. I came on first thing this morning to write the same entry here, LOL! I hope everyone will go over to wish Dad a Happy Birthday!
Martha :-)

Anonymous said...

Came over by way of Helen's journal to wish you a very Happy Birthday and many many more. Paula from South Texas

Anonymous said...

Bless you Dad, and may your tomatoes stay plump and sweet!  Cathy

Anonymous said...

Amazing indeed -- I only had time for a quick scan, so will stop back there again to peruse more before I comment.  Thanks for sharing this -- it is special.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Dad!!  He makes my days so much brighter.  Thanks for doing this Helen.

Anonymous said...

great entry for him; off to wish him happy birthday!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this!! He's such a wonderful person!!


Anonymous said...

Dad + tomatoes = winner!
I left a comment
over there, too