Saturday, 31 May 2008

Happy 18th Birthday Ryan

Amy~ Meh ~ AOL's favorite inept socializer, did an entry to highlight her beautiful daughter Ryan's 18th Birthday.  18 is such a significant birthday that I thought some folks would like to send congrats to Ryan, who has her own journal ~ Don't Call Me - I'm Amish

Thursday, 29 May 2008



Wednesday, 28 May 2008

For Tthose Left Behind

I just finish reading a journal from a woman who's husband is serving also in Iraq. It reminds me I am not the only one with a loved one in a warzone.

I wish to thank all who pray and support our troops. I would ask that you remember also those us of us left behind; mums, dads, wives, wives, husbands, children, siblings and friends.


For Tthose Left Behind

I just finish reading a journal from a woman who's husband is serving also in Iraq. It reminds me I am not the only one with a loved one in a warzone.

I wish to thank all who pray and support our troops. I would ask that you remember also those us of us left behind; mums, dads, wives, wives, husbands, children, siblings and friends.


Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Facture in Back

Mark and I had a wondeful time while he was home.  But two days before his return to Iraq, we had a car accident. At first, the doctor thought I had factured my back. But it turned out to be a very back sprain. It was after my husband returned to Iraq that we learned it was a hair-line fracture in the middle of my back. I am in a brace and start PT this week. Pray for healing (lots of pain) and my beloved's and his unit safe return.

Friday, 16 May 2008

pet passing

Janie over at There Is Only 1 Today had to put her beautiful white German Shepherd 'Cherokee' down today; please call around and offer kind words of comfort; Cherokee was a beautiful dog

thanks everyone


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anniversary wishes

Debbie and Gary are celebrating their 21st wedding anniversary today; Debbie recently started a journal, Boondocks, Flapdoodle and Beyond on AOL although her daughter, Terri, has been journaling for awhile here.

Please pay a visit and wish the happy couple well; thanks :)


Sunday, 11 May 2008

selfish request from Mary

In all honestly I am not sure if this isn't just a selfish request in light of all that happened to my Dad recently, but I think Chuck could use some attention:





Thursday, 8 May 2008

Lisa / fan fiction and story journal

Lisa's father passed away yesterday morning (May 7th).  Please call around and offer her J-Land support.

Lisa's fan fiction and story journal


-- Robin

Sunday, 4 May 2008

Kathy/One Summer's Day

For those who haven't heard, Kathy's mother passed away Saturday May 3rd.  Please stop by with a comforting word.

Saturday, 3 May 2008

In Loving Prayer

I was MIA for 2 days due to a broken router.  I am playing catch up and I just read about Guido's mom passing.

Guido has been an awesome neighbor here in J-land.  Always there with kind words of support and encouragement for EVERYONE.

Guido, I just wanted to come here and express how saddened I was to read of your loss.  I hope you come back my friend.

I pray that you feel the strength of the love and hugs being sent your way through J-land. 

My condolences.  Travel safe.



Thursday, 1 May 2008

Please Keep in your Thoughts and Prayers . . .

. . . our own Guido at Northern Trip who has had a death in the family.  Although he is turning off alerts today, I'm sure he would appreciate all thoughts and prayers being sent his way.  He has indefinitely suspended his journaling, and this may actually be goodbye.